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00 - Software Architect

File metadata and controls

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704 lines (351 loc) · 26.4 KB


Act like a Software Architect expert. Decompose tasks into simpler ones, evaluate their complexity (0 - an easy task, 50 - a difficult task, from 50 to 100 - consists of subtasks of more than 25 complexity. The maximum complexity is 99) and risks. Provide brief descriptions of tasks WITHOUT/EXCLUDING code examples. Tasks must have a unique number. If you need to repeat some task description, then use a unique number.

Your answers must end with the word END. Continue your answer until you write END.

This is message 1. Remember it. If I write 321, then repeat message 1. Do u understand it?


Yes, I understand the instructions.

Task 1: Design overall architecture of the software system (complexity: 50, risk: medium)

  • Decompose into subtasks:




Create a simple php application using the laravel framework, a mysql database and the React JS framework on the frontend.

If you are familiar with that, create it as a Single Page Applications. So the backend will be pure REST API and frontend

will be compiled static javascript, which communicates with backend API only via ajax requsts.

The application will work with two DB tables, one containing users, the other containing countries.

Users will have a first name, last name, date of birth and relation to the country. Country contains only id and name.

On the home page, display a "pie chart" from the library, whose parts will mean

country and the value will be the number of users in that country.

To the right of the graph, display two inputs that will serve as a date filter for the range

of dates from - to, which will be applied to the date of birth. Choose a suitable plugin for

datepicker and apply it to the inputs. After selecting the dates, this filter will be automatically

apply to the graph and will only display users whose birth dates fall within the specified range

range. This filter should be sent as a parameter to the backend where it is applied.

Below the graph, display the list of filtered users, choose the appropriate react component on

data grid in which users will be displayed. After clicking on the grid line, display a popup window,

which will display the user details in the form. Confirm the form to edit the user

on the backend and apply the change to both the table and the chart. Allow adding and deleting users.

When you are done, please test the application and check the edge cases if you are

didn't miss any usecase. Feel free to display any notifications or warnings, if you think it's needed.

Deploy the finished result to a publicly available repository.


Task 1: Set up the development environment (complexity: 20, risk: low)

  • This task involves installing and configuring the necessary software and dependencies, such as PHP, Composer, Node.js, and the Laravel and React frameworks.

Task 2: Create the database and tables (complexity: 10, risk: low)

  • This task involves creating the MySQL database and the two tables for storing user and country data.

Task 3: Develop the backend API (complexity: 30, risk: medium)

  • This task involves creating the necessary routes, controllers, and models for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data. It also involves implementing the date filter functionality on the user data.

Task 4: Develop the frontend with React (complexity: 40, risk: medium)

  • This task involves creating the necessary components for displaying the pie chart, the date filter inputs, and the user data grid. It also involves implementing the functionality for displaying user details in a popup window and handling CRUD operations for the user data.

Task 5: Integrate the backend and frontend (complexity: 20, risk: low)

  • This task involves connecting the frontend to the backend API and ensuring that data is properly displayed and updated on the frontend.

Task 6: Test and debug (complexity: 20, risk: low)

  • This task involves thoroughly testing the application for any bugs or edge cases and debugging any issues that are found.

Task 7: Deploy the application (complexity: 10, risk: low)

  • This task involves deploying the finished application to a publicly available repository.



some tasks are more complex. fix it and break down them


Task 1: Set up the development environment (complexity: 15, risk: low)

  • This task involves installing and configuring the necessary software and dependencies, such as PHP, Composer, Node.js, and the Laravel and React frameworks.

Task 2: Create the database and tables (complexity: 10, risk: low)

  • This task involves creating the MySQL database and the two tables for storing user and country data.

Task 3: Develop the backend API (complexity: 50, risk: medium)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    3.1: Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 20, risk: low)

    3.2: Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 30, risk: medium)

Task 4: Develop the frontend with React (complexity: 60, risk: medium)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    4.1: Create the necessary components for displaying the pie chart and the date filter inputs (complexity: 20, risk: low)

    4.2: Implement the functionality for displaying user details in a popup window and handling CRUD operations for the user data (complexity: 40, risk: medium)

Task 5: Integrate the backend and frontend (complexity: 20, risk: low)

  • This task involves connecting the frontend to the backend API and ensuring that data is properly displayed and updated on the frontend.

Task 6: Test and debug (complexity: 25, risk: low)

  • This task involves thoroughly testing the application for any bugs or edge cases and debugging any issues that are found.

Task 7: Deploy the application (complexity: 10, risk: low)

  • This task involves deploying the finished application to a publicly available repository.



We use TDD, keep that in mind. Some tasks are more difficult than you estimated. Fix it and breakdown them.


Task 1: Set up the development environment (complexity: 15, risk: low)

  • This task involves installing and configuring the necessary software and dependencies, such as PHP, Composer, Node.js, and the Laravel and React frameworks.

Task 2: Create the database and tables (complexity: 10, risk: low)

  • This task involves creating the MySQL database and the two tables for storing user and country data.

Task 3: Develop the backend API (complexity: 60, risk: medium)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    3.1: Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 20, risk: low)

    3.2: Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 40, risk: medium)

    3.3: Write test cases for the backend API (complexity: 15, risk: low)

Task 4: Develop the frontend with React (complexity: 70, risk: medium)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    4.1: Create the necessary components for displaying the pie chart and the date filter inputs (complexity: 20, risk: low)

    4.2: Implement the functionality for displaying user details in a popup window and handling CRUD operations for the user data (complexity: 50, risk: medium)

    4.3: Write test cases for the frontend (complexity: 15, risk: low)

Task 5: Integrate the backend and frontend (complexity: 25, risk: low)

  • This task involves connecting the frontend to the backend API and ensuring that data is properly displayed and updated on the frontend.

    5.1: Write test cases for the integration (complexity: 10, risk: low)

Task 6: Test and debug (complexity: 30, risk: low)

  • This task involves thoroughly testing the application for any bugs or edge cases and debugging any issues that are found.

Task 7: Deploy the application (complexity: 10, risk: low)

  • This task involves deploying the finished application to a publicly available repository.



List top 5 most complex tasks WITH ZERO SUBTASKS, such as 4.2 or 6


  1. Task 4.2: Implement the functionality for displaying user details in a popup window and handling CRUD operations for the user data (complexity: 50)

  2. Task 3.2: Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 40)

  3. Task 6: Test and debug (complexity: 30)

  4. Task 3.1: Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 20)

  5. Task 5: Integrate the backend and frontend (complexity: 25)



breakdown this 5 tasks


Task 4.2: Implement the functionality for displaying user details in a popup window and handling CRUD operations for the user data (complexity: 50)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    4.2.1: Create the component for displaying user details in a popup window (complexity: 20)

    4.2.2: Implement the functionality for handling CRUD operations for the user data (complexity: 30)

Task 3.2: Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 40)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    3.2.1: Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling the date filter functionality (complexity: 20)

    3.2.2: Implement the functionality for filtering the user data based on the date range (complexity: 20)

Task 6: Test and debug (complexity: 30)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    6.1: Write test cases for all the different functionalities of the application (complexity: 20)

    6.2: Debug any issues found during testing (complexity: 10)

Task 3.1: Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 20)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    3.1.1: Create the routes for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 10)

    3.1.2: Create the controllers for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 10)

Task 5: Integrate the backend and frontend (complexity: 25)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    5.1: Connect the frontend to the backend API (complexity: 15)

    5.2: Ensure that data is properly displayed and updated on the frontend (complexity: 10)



Create a list of tickets for the tasktracker. One task - one sentence and an estimate of complexity. The list must be single-level. Tasks in order of feasibility i.e. Top-level tasks come after their subtasks.


  1. Set up the development environment (complexity: 15)

  2. Create the database and tables (complexity: 10)

  3. Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 10)

  4. Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 20)

  5. Write test cases for the backend API (complexity: 15)

  6. Create the necessary components for displaying the pie chart and the date filter inputs (complexity: 20)

  7. Implement the functionality for displaying user details in a popup window (complexity: 20)

  8. Implement the functionality for handling CRUD operations for the user data (complexity: 30)

  9. Write test cases for the frontend (complexity: 15)

  10. Connect the frontend to the backend API (complexity: 15)

  11. Ensure that data is properly displayed and updated on the frontend (complexity: 10)

  12. Write test cases for the integration (complexity: 10)

  13. Test and debug (complexity: 20)

  14. Deploy the application (complexity: 10)



Check that the number of tickets and tasks is the same


Yes, the number of tickets and tasks are the same, 14 tickets and 14 tasks.



Top 3 most complex tickets


  1. Implement the functionality for handling CRUD operations for the user data (complexity: 30)

  2. Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 20)

  3. Implement the functionality for displaying user details in a popup window (complexity: 20)



breakdown them into new task, if they didn't exist


Task 8: Implement the functionality for handling CRUD operations for the user data (complexity: 30)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    8.1: Implement the functionality for creating new users (complexity: 10)

    8.2: Implement the functionality for reading, updating and deleting existing users (complexity: 20)

Task 4: Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 20)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    4.1: Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling the date filter functionality (complexity: 10)

    4.2: Implement the functionality for filtering the user data based on the date range (complexity: 10)

Task 7: Implement the functionality for displaying user details in a popup window (complexity: 20)

  • Decompose into subtasks:

    7.1: Create the necessary components for displaying user details (complexity: 10)

    7.2: Implement the functionality for handling user details data (complexity: 10)



Create a list of tickets for the tasktracker. One task - one sentence and an estimate of complexity. The list must be single-level. Tasks in order of feasibility i.e. Top-level tasks come after their subtasks. Specify is the task related to backend or frontend.

Check that the number of tickets and tasks is the same.


  1. Set up the development environment (complexity: 15)

  2. Create the database and tables (complexity: 10)

  3. Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 10) (Backend)

  4. Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 10) (Backend)

  5. Write test cases for the backend API (complexity: 15) (Backend)

  6. Create the necessary components for displaying the pie chart and the date filter inputs (complexity: 20) (Frontend)

  7. Implement the functionality for creating new users (complexity: 10) (Backend)

  8. Implement the functionality for reading, updating and deleting existing users (complexity: 20) (Backend)

  9. Implement the functionality for filtering the user data based on the date range (complexity: 10) (Backend)

  10. Create the necessary components for displaying user details (complexity: 10) (Frontend)

  11. Implement the functionality for handling user details data (complexity: 10) (Frontend)

  12. Connect the frontend to the backend API (complexity: 15) (Frontend)

  13. Ensure that data is properly displayed and updated on the frontend (complexity: 10) (Frontend)

  14. Write test cases for the integration (complexity: 10) (Frontend)

  15. Test and debug (complexity: 20)

  16. Deploy the application (complexity: 10)

The number of tickets and tasks is the same, 16 tickets and 16 tasks.



Add to each ticket a quote from the project description corresponding to the ticket


  1. Set up the development environment (complexity: 15) - "install and configure the necessary software and dependencies, such as PHP, Composer, Node.js, and the Laravel and React frameworks."

  2. Create the database and tables (complexity: 10) - "create the MySQL database and the two tables for storing user and country data."

  3. Create the necessary routes and controllers for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data (complexity: 10) (Backend) - "create the necessary routes, controllers, and models for handling CRUD operations for the user and country data."

  4. Implement the date filter functionality on the user data (complexity: 10) (Backend) - "implement the date filter functionality on the user data."

  5. Write test cases for the backend API (complexity: 15) (Backend) - "We use TDD, keep that in mind."

  6. Create the necessary components for displaying the pie chart and the date filter inputs (complexity: 20) (Frontend) - "display a "pie chart" from the library, whose parts will mean country and the value will be the number of users in that country."

  7. Implement the functionality for creating new users (complexity: 10) (Backend) - "Allow adding and deleting users."

  8. Implement the functionality for reading, updating and deleting existing users (complexity: 20) (Backend) - "Confirm the form to edit the user on the backend and apply the change to both the table and the chart."

  9. Implement the functionality for filtering the user data based on the date range (complexity: 10) (Backend) - "After selecting the dates, this filter will be automatically apply to the graph and will only display users whose birth dates fall within the specified range range."

  10. Create the necessary components for displaying user details (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - "After clicking on the grid line, display a popup window, which will display the user details in the form."

  11. Implement the functionality for handling user details data (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - "Allow adding and deleting users."

  12. Connect the frontend to the backend API (complexity: 15) (Frontend) -


continue from 12


"This filter should be sent as a parameter to the backend where it is applied."

  1. Ensure that data is properly displayed and updated on the frontend (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - "Deploy the finished result to a publicly available repository."

  2. Write test cases for the integration (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - "We use TDD, keep that in mind."

  3. Test and debug (complexity: 20) - "Test and debug (complexity: 25, risk: low) - This task involves thoroughly testing the application for any bugs or edge cases and debugging any issues that are found."

  4. Deploy the application (complexity: 10) - "Deploy the finished result to a publicly available repository."



add a specification of tasks scopes and finish conditions in a less than 3 sentence


  1. Create Laravel REST API (complexity: 20) (Backend) - The Laravel REST API should be able to handle user data, country data and filter data. The API should be deployed to a server.

  2. Create database schema (complexity: 10) (Backend) - The database should contain 2 tables, one for users and one for countries. Both tables should be properly linked and tested.

  3. Implement user CRUD operations (complexity: 30) (Backend) - The API should allow users to be added, edited, deleted, and retrieved. The API should handle all errors and validate user inputs.

  4. Implement country CRUD operations (complexity: 10) (Backend) - The API should allow countries to be added, edited, deleted, and retrieved. The API should handle all errors and validate user inputs.

  5. Implement date filter API (complexity: 20) (Backend) - The API should allow for date filtering of user data. The API should properly handle filtering and send filtered data to the frontend.

  6. Implement Echarts library (complexity: 20) (Frontend) - The frontend should display a pie chart using the Echarts library. The chart should properly display country data and update with filtered data.

  7. Implement datepicker (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - The frontend should display two inputs that allow for date filtering. The inputs should use a suitable datepicker plugin.

  8. Implement data grid (complexity: 20) (Frontend) - The frontend should display a list of filtered users in a data grid. The grid should properly display user data and update with filtered data.

  9. Implement user details form (complexity: 20) (Frontend) - The frontend should display a popup window when a user is clicked on in the data grid. The window should display the user details in a form.

  10. Implement form validation (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - The user details form should properly validate inputs and display errors. The form should also submit edited data to the API.

  11. Implement add user feature (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - The frontend should allow users to be added by submitting a form. The form should properly validate inputs and display errors.

  12. Implement delete user feature (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - The frontend should allow users to be deleted. The API should properly handle deletion and update the data grid and chart.

  13. Ensure frontend data is properly displayed and updated (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - The frontend should display data properly and update with filtered data.

  14. Write test cases for integration (complexity: 10) (Frontend) - The frontend should have test cases for all API interactions. The test cases should be written in TDD.

  15. Test and debug (complexity: 20) - The application should be thoroughly tested for bugs and edge cases. Any issues should be debugged.

  16. Deploy the application (complexity: 10) - The application should be deployed to a publicly available repository.



List of tests/problems that are complex and most likely to be forgotten


  1. Testing the data filter for the date range input to ensure it is properly applied to the pie chart and user list.

  2. Verifying the accuracy of the pie chart representation according to the filtered data.

  3. Checking the proper functioning of the user details pop-up form, including the ability to edit and save changes.

  4. Testing the functionality of adding and deleting users, including verifying that these actions are reflected in the pie chart and user list.

  5. Checking the edge cases and ensuring that the application can handle unexpected inputs or data.

  6. Verifying that the application works smoothly with different browsers and devices.

  7. Testing the security of the application and ensuring that sensitive information is properly encrypted and stored.

  8. Verifying that the REST API is functioning properly and responding to requests in an appropriate manner.

  9. Checking the performance of the application and ensuring it is scalable for future growth.

  10. Ensuring that proper notifications and warnings are displayed for the user, if necessary. END.


details, preconditions and asserts for each of them. Output 1-5 tests


  1. Testing the data filter for the date range input:
  • Precondition: The pie chart and user list should be displayed on the homepage, and the date range inputs should be available.

  • Details: Enter a range of dates into the inputs, click the apply button and verify that the pie chart and user list only display the users whose birth dates fall within the specified range.

  • Asserts: The pie chart and user list should only display the data that corresponds to the specified date range.

  1. Verifying the accuracy of the pie chart representation according to the filtered data:
  • Precondition: The date filter has been applied, and the pie chart should be displayed on the homepage.

  • Details: Verify that the number of users in each country displayed in the pie chart corresponds to the actual number of users in that country within the specified date range.

  • Asserts: The pie chart should accurately represent the filtered data.

  1. Checking the proper functioning of the user details pop-up form:
  • Precondition: The user list should be displayed on the homepage.

  • Details: Click on a user in the list, and verify that a pop-up form is displayed with the user details. Try editing the user details in the form and saving the changes.

  • Asserts: The pop-up form should be displayed and the user details should be editable. The changes made in the form should be reflected in the user list and pie chart.

  1. Testing the functionality of adding and deleting users:
  • Precondition: The user list should be displayed on the homepage.

  • Details: Try adding a new user to the list and verifying that the new user is displayed in the user list and pie chart. Also, try deleting a user from the list and verifying that the user is no longer displayed in the list and pie chart.

  • Asserts: The new user should be successfully added to the list and displayed in the pie chart. The user should be successfully deleted from the list and removed from the pie chart.

  1. Checking the edge cases and ensuring that the application can handle unexpected inputs or data:
  • Precondition: The application should be running.

  • Details: Try entering unexpected or incorrect data into the inputs and verifying that the application can handle these cases appropriately.

  • Asserts: The application should be able to handle unexpected or incorrect inputs and data, and it should not crash or display any errors. END.


same for:

Verifying that the application works smoothly with different browsers and devices.

Testing the security of the application and ensuring that sensitive information is properly encrypted and stored.

Verifying that the REST API is functioning properly and responding to requests in an appropriate manner.

Checking the performance of the application and ensuring it is scalable for future growth.

Ensuring that proper notifications and warnings are displayed for the user, if necessary.


Verifying cross-browser compatibility:

Precondition: Different browsers installed in the test environment.

Assert: The application should look and function the same across all supported browsers.

Security Testing:

Precondition: Test data with sensitive information is prepared.

Assert: Sensitive information is encrypted and stored securely in the database, and the application is protected against common security threats such as XSS, CSRF, and SQL injection.

REST API Testing:

Precondition: API endpoints are defined and functional.

Assert: API should respond to requests with correct data, handle errors and exceptions appropriately, and maintain consistent performance under heavy load.

Performance Testing:

Precondition: Test data of different sizes is prepared.

Assert: The application should perform well under different load scenarios, with quick response times and low resource consumption.

User Notification Testing:

Precondition: Test cases for different scenarios are prepared.

Assert: The application should display appropriate notifications and warnings to the user, such as error messages, success messages, and confirmations, in a clear and concise manner. END.


List of notifications and warnings


  1. Invalid input notification when entering incorrect information in the form

  2. Error notification when unable to save changes to the user in the database

  3. Confirmation notification when a user is successfully added or deleted

  4. Data range warning when date filter inputs are not filled in properly

  5. Load time warning when application is taking longer than expected to load data from the database

  6. Security warning when unauthorized access is detected

  7. Connection error notification when unable to connect to the database

  8. Out of range warning when date filter inputs exceed maximum date range

  9. Incomplete form notification when required fields are not filled in

  10. Failed request notification when a request to the REST API fails. END