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Building Analyzers

The primary build system for Analyzers is done via command line, and officially supports Linux and Windows. Users running macOS can generally follow the Linux instructions (while installing the macOS equivalents of the dependencies).


You will need the following software installed (regardless of OS):

Linux Pre-Requisites

Linux users will additionally need:

Note: Linux users cannot run the .NET Framework tests, as they are incompatible. For this reason, we recommend that users either work primarily in Windows, or verify their tests work as expected in a Windows VM, before submitting PRs.

Windows Pre-Requisites

Windows users will additionally need:

  • .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later (part of the Windows OS)
  • PowerShell (or PowerShell Core)

Ensure that you have configured PowerShell to be able to run local unsigned scripts (either by running Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned from within PowerShell, or by launching PowerShell with the -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned command line switch).

Command-Line Build

  1. Linux users: Open a terminal to your favorite shell.

    Windows users: Open PowerShell (or PowerShell Core).

  2. From the root folder of the source repo, this command will build the code & run all tests:


    To build a specific target (or multiple targets):

    ./build [target [target...]]

    The common targets (case-insensitive) include:

    • Restore: Perform package restore
    • Build: Build the source
    • Test: Run all unit tests
    • TestCore: Run all unit tests (.NET Core)
    • TestFx: Run all unit tests (.NET Framework)
    • Packages: Create NuGet packages

    You can get a list of options:

    ./build --help

Editing source

In order to support multiple versions of Roslyn (the compiler API), we have created separated projects for backward compatibility. The primary projects targeting the latest supported version of Roslyn are:

  • xunit.analyzers (for code analysis)
  • xunit.analyzers.fixes (for automated fixes for issues raised in code analysis)
  • xunit.analyzers.tests (for unit tests of both above projects)

When working on new or existing analyzers, fixes, and tests, please work in these projects. They reside in the folder with the source code for the appropriate project.

You will also see several backward compatibility projects, with roslyn in their name, to indicate which older version of the Roslyn API they target (for example, xunit.analyzers.roslyn311 targets Roslyn 3.11, which supports Visual Studio 2019 16.11). These projects automatically pick up source files from the main projects. It is expected that the single set of source code applies to all compiled projects.

If code needs to be conditioned based on the version of Roslyn, there are two categories of preprocessor definitions that you can use to gate your code and/or tests. For exact versions, you can reference a specific version like ROSLYN_3_11, and for minimum versions, you can reference a symbol like ROSLYN_3_11_OR_GREATER. Note that we only provide definitions for the exact versions we support. For a list of those symbols and supported versions, please see Directory.Build.props.

While iterating in the IDE, it will be common to work just inside the primary projects, including just running the tests from the primary test project. Before submitting a PR, please run ./build test (from Windows) so that you can ensure that all code & tests work with all supported versions of Roslyn.